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Proven ways to get traffic for painting contractor websites

Oluwadunmola Adefioye | Updated: August 1, 2023 | Home services websites

painting contractor websites

Does this sound familiar? You’ve poured your time and wallet into creating a beautiful painting company website. But despite your best efforts, the website is not driving traffic or converting visitors into leads as expected. We know that can be quite frustrating because we’ve been there also.

However, the good news is that you can always improve your website’s performance and attain a consistent flow of qualified leads with a few optimization tactics. And those are exactly what I want to share in this piece. These are ideas we’ve tried out while working to increase traffic for home services web pages similar to painting contractor websites.

Our top optimization strategies for painting contractor websites increased traffic

The thing with website optimization for a visual space like the painting industry is that you can’t rely on the visual appeal of your website alone. That would be doing the exact same thing  that your competitors are doing. What you need to do is stand out.

Standing out doesn’t mean breaking the bank to implement a sick experimental painting company website design that would take your clients to visitors to Mars and back. Of course, if you can afford that, by all means go for it.

But for small and medium business owners, paying attention to these small changes can bring more website visits to your painter’s website and improve lead conversions.

Prospective customers visiting your website want evidence of your expertise and work quality. Almost every painting business website out there adds this, of course. Rather than doing what everyone is doing, do something different by applying what we call the storytelling approach to have one of the best painting contractor websites.

Quote client testimonials and reviews on more visible pages like your homepage, then link to your portfolio page. The truth is that most website visitors aren’t really on your website to peruse your portfolio.

But when you present them with what satisfied customers have said about your business first, they become more interested in seeing what exactly you did that made these people say such things about your painting brand.

That said, here are supporting tips on putting together a painting portfolio to market your painting business for maximum ROI:

    1. Organize your portfolio into different categories, such as interior painting, exterior painting, commercial painting, residential painting, and so on. This will make it easier for potential clients to find examples of your work most relevant to their needs.
    2. Also, include satisfied client testimonials on your portfolio page itself. This should include images of the completed house painting projects for each review you put up, this helps build trust and establish your credibility. When potential clients see that others have had positive experiences working with you, they are more likely to trust you with their painting needs.
    3. Use bright images or short videos to showcase past painting project details, including before and after transformations, on your website. That way, you help your potential clients have a glimpse of what to expect when they work with you. This helps set you apart from competitors who don’t provide this level of detail.

Optimizing your house painting company website for search engines requires a multifaceted approach that includes choosing the best and most relevant keywords, creating content using search engine optimization checkboxes, and designing an SEO-friendly website.

The home painting niche is quite competitive, as is expected. The best path to making your painting contractor website to shine is to do something different. The best path to making painting contractor websites shine is to do something different. When you make it as specially curated and unique as possible, there’s very little that competitors can do to beat your branding.

Unique content appeals to customers, such that they are convinced to use your services based on how well you position your services as the route for them to obtain their desired home look. Prospective customers are looking to buy into an experience, so your brand content needs to show how you will deliver this. Then, SEO key phrases and search intent comes after you have crafted your content to serve your users well first.

If you are a painting contractor that specializes in commercial painting services, you could use keywords like “commercial painting,” “industrial painting professional services,” or “office painting” in your website content to attract potential clients searching for these expert services.

You can also create attractive blog content that provides valuable information about house painting projects, like choosing color gradients for an office space. 

Take a cue from CertaPro Painters, a painting company with franchises across the US. Their homepage includes essential keywords like “painting process” and “professional painting services,” these terms are not only relevant to their business but commonly searched by potential customers looking for quality services.

certapro painting contractor websites

While improving your painting website’s performance organically works. You should know that it could take months to see tangible results. However, to generate quality search leads, you could run Google ads for painters where you can target specific keywords and have your painting website show up at the top of search results almost instantly.

I mentioned earlier that showcasing positive feedback from previous customers helps you build brand credibility, establish trust, and demonstrate your unwavering commitment to offering excellent customer service. And like I said earlier, you can have dedicated sections on your website that features these previous customer reviews and testimonials.

Five Star Painting is an example of a quality painting service provider that uses customer testimonials and reviews to optimize its website. Their website has a dedicated section that features excellent reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients.

five star painting company website

But to stand out better from other painting contractor websites, don’t limit your client stories to just one section on your entire website. Litter all your pages with these reviews and what others have to say about your business.

It really does the trick for adding more perspective to any of your website optimization strategies. Use testimonials on your blog posts, your services pages, and if possible on your contact page. 

But if you’re gonna do this, make sure that these testimonials blend into the discourse. Don’t add a review about your punctuality on a page where you’re discussing creativity. Context is everything when it comes to structuring your website content for human interaction.

Including clear and compelling calls to action throughout your website can improve potential customer online experience and increase the chances of painting lead generation. It’s a proven online marketing tactic.

One way to optimize the effectiveness of your CTAs is to set up your web pages for specific visitor types. How does this work? A blog article about “how to pick a room paint color” would most likely attract potential customers who are still contemplating whether they want a paint job or not.

On the contrary, your pricing page would mostly attract clients who are already considering which contractor to hire. These two segments of website users are looking to take different actions. Hence, they would need two completely different CTAs. 

To tap into their different customer journey stages, you can prompt the blog reader who is still in the problem-aware stage to subscribe to your newsletter, so you can nurture them with educational painting tips till they decide to embark on a project.

Whereas, the proper CTA for the solution-aware pricing-page viewer would be to “schedule a free call” or to “request a free quote.”

Here are some best practices for creating catchy action buttons for effective painting contractor websites:

Fresh Coat Painters used action-oriented language on their website, such as  “Get a free quote.” The CTA is repeated throughout the website, with a prominent “Get your free quote today” towards the bottom of the page.

fresh coat painter contractor website

When your painting contractor website design is user-friendly, visitors will generally stay on your website longer and take more time to engage with your web content. The more they get to engage with your content, the higher their likelihood of becoming paying customers. 

Deploying a user-friendly painting company website design can help you secure increased website traffic, improved conversion rates, reduced bounce rates, and increased revenue for your painting business.

Here are some helpful tips to improve your web user experience:

    1. Avoid cluttered pages and complex website layouts that can confuse visitors. Stick to a clean design and intuitive navigation.
    2. Ensure your website loads quickly to avoid losing your ideal customers, as a one-second delay in mobile page load times can reduce conversions by up to 20%. 
    3. This goes without saying, but I’ll still mention. Don’t forget to make your painter website mobile-friendly. More than half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices. So, use responsive design to ensure your website looks great and functions well on mobile devices.
    4. Include a prominent phone number, email address, or contact form on your website, so prospective customers can easily contact you.
    5. Ensure your website structure is accessible to all visitors, regardless of disabilities or limitations. You could use alt text for images and color contrast for visually impaired people to understand what an image conveys.

Your painting contractor website should include a dedicated section that addresses common questions and concerns potential customers may have on painting. Cover questions such as the types of painting services you offer, the painting materials you use, choosing colors for different rooms in the home, and any other helpful information. 

To gain insights into pain points related to the painting industry and craft FAQs that offer solutions and expert advice, utilize resources such as the “people also ask” section on search engines, comments on your social media content, and customers’ queries on local directories like Yelp.

In addition, help your web visitors easily find information by ensuring that your FAQs section is well-organized. Use categories or subheadings to group similar questions and keep the answers concise and easy to understand.

The list goes on for sure, when it comes to improving potential customers’ online experience on your website. Read our comprehensive guide on home contractor websites to gain more valuable insights into creating a user-friendly painting website design.


You can increase your painting company website’s organic traffic by optimizing your website for search engine rankings and then distributing your content aggressively on social media to get more eyeballs reading your website. Also, create valuable blog posts or video content, build backlinks, and ensure your website is mobile-friendly. 

Your painting contractor website should include basic information about your business, such as your services about us, pricing, contact, and portfolio of paint jobs. But, for optimal performance, you should include testimonials from satisfied customers and educational blog articles. Not forgetting how we prescribed using these testimonials within the context of all your website pages.

A simple website design for painting contractors with a few pages can be built in hours, while a complex one with more pages may take several weeks or months. However, it’s best to discuss the timeline with a professional web designer to better estimate how long it will take to build your painting contractor website.


Revamping or building the best painting contractor website from scratch requires significant time and effort. It’s not just about creating an aesthetically pleasing website but also ensuring that it is optimized for search engines, user-friendly, and designed to convert visitors into customers. This takes careful planning, design, development, and ongoing maintenance.

At Klutch Growth, we understand the value of a high-performing website and the effort required to achieve it. That’s why we offer comprehensive website design, development, and maintenance services to help niche home service businesses improve or build a website that stands out in the home improvement industry.

Want us to help handle your painting contractor website? Book a calendly call with us today to speak with someone from our experienced team.

Oluwadunmola Adefioye
Content Manager at Klutch Growth

I enjoy writing engaging and practical articles that help local businesses grow. That’s why I take my time to understand the industry - customers and businesses - before writing a word.

Aside from content marketing, I enjoy watching football and love my beloved Arsenal FC.

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