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Landscaping Leads: Where to Find Them and How to Convert Them

Oluwadunmola Adefioye | Updated: December 19, 2023 | Home services marketing

landscaping leads

If you are a landscaper, you know how important it is to find and convert leads into customers. Landscaping leads are potential clients who have shown interest in your landscaping services and are likely to hire you if you can convince them of your value. But where can you find these leads, and how can you persuade them to choose you over your competitors?

This blog will share tips and strategies for finding landscaping leads and converting them into loyal customers. We will cover online marketing, referrals, networking, and follow-ups. By the end of this blog, you will better understand how to grow your landscaping business and increase your revenue.

Where to Find Landscaping Leads

As a landscaper, you must know where to look to get quality landscaping leads. Fortunately, the internet has made connecting with potential leads easier. Social media, search engines, and business directories are examples of places to find landscaping leads. 

Before diving into the details of how to get landscaping leads, the first step is to know your target audience and how to reach them effectively. Your target audience is the people most likely to hire you for your landscaping services. 

Although they may have different needs, preferences, budgets, and locations, they are all interested in improving their outdoor spaces. You can use various methods such as market research, customer feedback, competitor analysis, and online tools to identify your target audience.

Knowing your target audience will help you tailor your marketing strategies, pricing, and service offerings to meet their expectations and increase sales. Now, here are the best places to find premium landscaping leads. 

Online Platforms

One of the most effective ways to grow your business is by utilizing online platforms to find leads. Online platforms are websites or apps that connect you with potential customers looking for your landscaping services. Some examples of online platforms are social media, online directories, review sites, blogs, forums, and podcasts. 

I will discuss the most important online platforms for easier lead generation for this write-up. 

An appealing website

An appealing website showcasing your work and services is integral to generating good landscaping leads. Your website should have a clear and catchy headline, a compelling value proposition, and a strong call to action. 

Make your web content straight to the point that clearly communicates to your potential leads about your service. Always use original images if possible that shows you or your staff doing the actual service. This makes your business website look real that proves its legitimacy.

It should also include testimonials from satisfied customers, a portfolio of your projects, and a contact form or phone number. Your website can also be the home to important content that can keep visitors engaged.

marketing for landscapers

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) improves the visibility and relevance of a website or web page on search engines like Google or Bing. Adopting SEO for landscaping companies can help your landscaping businesses attract more leads and customers by ranking higher for keywords related to your services, location, and target audience. 

While home service SEO involves a great deal of work, here are some SEO strategies to get you started

This includes using keywords naturally and strategically, creating engaging and informative headlines and subheadings, adding relevant images and videos, and ensuring fast loading speed and mobile-friendliness.

Google Ads (Pay-Per-Click)

Google Ads, a form of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, is a powerful tool for landscapers to attract leads. When you use Google Ads, your services appear at the top of search engine results when potential clients search for landscaping services.

Unlike SEO, Google Ads is a great option if you want to generate leads right away and don’t wait to wait 6-12 months for SEO results. The only downside for this is that Google Ads does not last long since it will only work as long as your ads are running. This is actually expensive and not a good option if your objectives are for long-term. A reason why most local service businesses utilize Google Ads and SEO at the same time.

Here’s how you can use Google Ads effectively:

  1. Keyword Research: You can us tools such as Keyword Planner to identify the keywords your potential clients use when looking for landscaping services. These might include terms like “landscaping services near me” or “best landscapers in [your area].” Use these keywords in your ads to ensure they appear in relevant searches.
  2. Targeted Campaigns: Tailor your ads to specific segments of your audience. For example, you might create different campaigns for residential and commercial landscaping services. This targeting ensures your ads resonate more effectively with each group.
  3. Budget Management: With Google Ads, you control your budget. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Start with a modest budget and adjust based on the results you see. Tracking your cost per lead is essential to ensure a good return on investment.
  4. Ad Copy: Write compelling ad copy that highlights what sets your landscaping services apart. Include a clear call to action, such as “Contact us for a free quote” or “Browse our landscaping portfolio.”
  5. Landing Pages: Direct your ad traffic to specific landing pages on your website. These pages should align with the ad’s message and make it easy for visitors to take the next step, whether that’s filling out a contact form or calling your business.
  6. Tracking and Analysis: Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your ads. Look at metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion. This data will help you refine your campaigns for better performance.

Social media platforms

Social media is one of the best ways to get landscaping customers. By creating engaging content, building trust and credibility, and interacting with potential clients, you can use social media to showcase your work, attract new prospects, and convert them into loyal customers. Here are some tips on how to leverage social media platforms for landscaping lead generation:

landscaper marketing

In your service area

Developing a local online and offline presence is one of the most effective marketing for landscapers. By creating a website, social media accounts, and online directories, you can showcase your work, attract new customers, and generate more leads. 

A physical local presence can also help you build trust and credibility with your target audience and increase your visibility on search engines and local platforms. Developing an online and offline local presence is not difficult, but it requires some planning and strategy. 

Utilize local directories and online listings

Local directories and listings can help you reach potential customers who are looking for landscaping services in your area. You can also showcase your work, reviews, and contact information to build trust and credibility. 

You should create a profile on popular sites like Google My Business, Yelp, Angie’s List, and HomeAdvisor to get started. Optimize your profile with relevant keywords, photos, and service details. You should also update your profile regularly and encourage your customers to leave feedback. 

Participate in community events and organizations

This can help you network with potential customers, showcase your skills and services, and build trust and reputation. You can look for local events such as festivals, fairs, fundraisers, or workshops related to landscaping or gardening. 

Networking leads to referrals in which someone who has used your services or knows about your work passes on your contact information to someone else who needs your landscaping service. 

Furthermore, you can join or partner with organizations such as chambers of commerce, business associations, or environmental groups that share your values and goals.

Converting Leads into Customers

One of the most important goals of any business is to convert leads into customers. Leads are potential buyers who have shown interest in your product or service but have not yet purchased it. You must follow up with them, nurture them, and persuade them to buy from you to convert them into customers. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Segment your leads 

Categorize your leads based on their needs, preferences, and behavior. This will help you tailor your messages and offers to each group of leads.

Communicate effectively

Communicate with your leads regularly and consistently. Use email, phone, social media, or other channels to stay in touch and provide value. Don’t spam or annoy them, but don’t let them forget about you.

Furthermore, educate your leads about the benefits and features of your product or service. Show them how you can solve their problems or improve their situation. Use testimonials, case studies, demos, or free trials to demonstrate your value proposition.

Offer discounts and promotions

Discounts and promotions can create a sense of urgency, increase the perceived value of your products or services, and motivate your leads to take action. You can offer discounts and promotions through various channels, such as email, social media, website, or phone. 

However, you need to be strategic about when and how you offer discounts and promotions, as they can also affect your brand image and profitability. Here are some tips to help you use discounts and promotions effectively: 

Provide excellent customer service

Providing excellent customer service is a key factor in improving lead conversion. Customers who feel valued and satisfied are more likely to trust your brand and buy your products or services. To provide excellent customer service, you should listen to your customers’ needs, answer their questions, solve their problems, and follow up with them. By doing so, you can build a loyal customer base and increase your sales.

Ask for the sale

Don’t be afraid to ask your leads to buy from you. If you have built trust and rapport well, they will be more likely to say yes. Use clear and compelling calls to action that tell them precisely what to do next.

Nurturing Your Landscaping Leads and Customers

Use email campaigns

You can use direct mail to target homeowners in your service area, showcase your work and expertise, and offer them a special deal or incentive to book a consultation. Email campaigns are especially useful when creating personalized and compelling proposals for your leads. 

Email campaigns can also help you build trust and credibility with potential customers and increase your brand awareness and visibility. Here are some steps to creating an effective email campaign: 

Obtain positive reviews and testimonials

One of the best ways to grow your landscaping business is to get positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Reviews and testimonials can help you showcase your work, build trust and credibility, and attract new clients. Here are some tips on how to obtain them:


How can I qualify landscaping leads?

Qualifying landscaping leads means determining if they are a good fit for your service and if they are ready to buy. You can qualify leads by asking them about their needs, budget, timeline, and preferences. You can also use tools like lead scoring or CRM software to rank and prioritize your leads.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my landscaping lead generation strategy?

You can measure the effectiveness of your landscaping lead generation strategy by tracking and analyzing key metrics, such as lead volume, lead quality, conversion rate, cost per lead, and return on investment. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or call-tracking software to collect and report data.

How can I improve my landscaping lead generation strategy?

You can improve your landscaping lead generation strategy by testing and optimizing different elements of your campaign, such as your target audience, lead magnet, landing page, call to action, and follow-up sequence. You can use tools like A/B testing, surveys, or feedback forms to measure and improve your performance.


To conclude, landscaping leads are essential for any business that wants to grow and thrive in the competitive market. There are many ways to find and convert them, such as SEO, Google Ads, social media, website, referrals, and email campaigns. These tools can help you attract more prospects, showcase your work, build trust, and nurture relationships.

However, generating and converting leads is not an easy task. It requires time, effort, and expertise. That’s why you should work with us. We are a team of professionals who specialize in landscaping lead generation. We can help you create and implement a customized strategy that suits your needs and goals. We can also help you optimize your website, improve your online presence, and increase your conversion rate. With us, you can focus on what you do best: delivering high-quality landscaping services to your clients.

Oluwadunmola Adefioye
Content Manager at Klutch Growth

I enjoy writing engaging and practical articles that help local businesses grow. That’s why I take my time to understand the industry - customers and businesses - before writing a word.

Aside from content marketing, I enjoy watching football and love my beloved Arsenal FC.

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