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Why you should use Google Ads?

Webmaster | Updated: March 24, 2023 | General

A lot of businesses are constantly caught between which services to use when trying to promote an offer. And because most people are more familiar with social media, they are left wondering, “Why should I use Google Ads?”

That’s why we are writing this, to show you enough reasons why you should use Google Ads.

Why Google Ads?

As a business owner, one of your main worries is how to constantly get new leads that would eventually turn into conversions and maybe repeat customers. And the best way to do this is by advertising.

There are numerous ways that a business can advertise today. The world has shifted from the days of hard-copy promoting like with advertising gurus such as David Ogilvy. And if these men could make do with print media and make businesses boom, even with the limited reach, then you can do much more with the internet.

One of the major dilemmas that plague business owners is finding the right platform to promote their business.

The fact is that many advertising platforms would yield significant results for a business provided you use them properly. But, the problem is that some of these platforms are difficult to navigate and optimize; some are less flexible, while some are just too costly.

What if I told you there’s a platform that helps small businesses and big brands optimize their advertising at a minimum spend? Would you be willing to try it out? Why not, right?

Let’s talk about Google’s advertising platform, Google Ads.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is the marketing platform of the world’s largest search engine, Google, which runs on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis and helps businesses show in search rankings.

Unlike most other online advertising platforms, the PPC model allows you to only pay for people’s actions that interact with your business. If your campaign is for people to see your brand, you’ll only pay when your ad pops up for someone that might be interested in your product or services.

You can also choose to pay for people to visit your website or for people to sign up to an email list.

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads

There are several benefits of Google Ads that a business can harness from the advertising platform. But first, you need to convincingly dig into answers to this fundamental question “How does Google Ads work?” Our approach to answering this query is to show in detail, reasons why Google Ads is right for you.

Let’s dive right in:

1. Huge traffic source

The number one reason why you should use Google Ads is because of its massive traffic source.

It shouldn’t surprise you that Google is the largest search engine in the world. I mean, the word has gone beyond just a brand name; it has become a part of today’s grammar.

If you have any question about anything or even a person, most likely, your first instinct is to “google it.” That’s how much the platform has ingrained into our daily lives.

Google sorts a whopping 2+ trillion every year, which is increasing rapidly per year. If you do the math, that’s about 5 billion search queries per day.

What does this mean for your business?

Indeed, within this vast number, people are looking for the product or services you render as a business.

You might also want to ask, what’s the difference between google’s traffic and the one from large social media platforms? Apart from the sheer number of Google users, traffic directed towards businesses through Google Ads have more intent.

Google’s search engine algorithm ensures that your business is shown only to people with similar queries. So, in a way, we can say your prospects would be looking for you instead of chasing after prospects using other forms of digital advertising.

2. Better SERP results

Imagine your business page showing as the number one result for the main keyword in your niche. How big would that be for you?

A study of the first page SERP of google showed that one-third of clicks go to the number one result. With such a massive chunk of searches gone, pages on the second or third SERP get very little visibility and engagement.

However, if you can position your business on the first page results, you’ll be automatically taking a chunk of the clicks and impressions of high-ranking websites. This is the edge Google Ads gives to business pages.

3. Increased lead generation and conversions

Lead generation is hinged on the reach of your ad and how persuasive the content is. Google Ads ensures that you sort both factors.

Google Ads is designed to help each business create an ad that stands out and is different from other ads in specific ways. For each ad, you’ll be required to provide three unique selling points for your ad copy.

And to go along with that, you’ll need an effective post-click landing page. The Ads platform vets each landing page to ensure it’s responsive before launching a campaign.

This way, you get more results from your ads; the persuasive and unique ad copy boosts lead generation. And a well-optimized landing page ensures a reasonable conversion rate.

4. Faster results than organic ranking

Another significant benefit of Google Ads is that the results are faster. While you might not get the results you desire immediately when you launch an ad, you can optimize your ads to give the best result with a series of tests running.

As opposed to organic ranking using search engine optimization, which can take months for you to get considerable results. To rank well on Google, you need to write a lot of well-tailored content using SEO techniques that change now and then. Then, you also have to garner a good number of backlinks for your pages.

Google Ads allows you to skip all of these time-constrained processes.

5. Measurable marketing

Google Ads provides you with working information on your ad performance on the go. This is vital for the success of any advertising campaign. Keeping track of what was done and how much was spent to get specific results is the first step to getting the best results.

Basic metrics such as clicks, impressions, keyword budgets, etc., can be easily obtained on the Ad page. And if you need advanced metrics to better monitor site visitor’s behavior, you can use Google Analytics.

In all, Google Ads would make your marketing campaign a calculated effort rather than guesswork.

6. Improved ROI

If you’re like most business owners or ad managers, you would know that actual results like purchases or sign-ups are more valuable than a bag of tips and tricks to game advertising. In other words, what matters the most is your return on investment.

Feasible improvement in ROI for your ads is another reason why Google Ads is right for you. With the PPC model, the amount spent on ads is directly spent on people who showed interest in your campaign. Not forgetting that Google users also have more intent because they deliberately searched for something your business offers.

Every click you pay for on your ad is much further along your sales process. With the right offer on the post-click landing page, you would get a higher ROI than the ad budget spent on promoting content people might not click on social media platforms.

In addition, to get the best ROI on your ad budget, you can run multiple ads for a start and monitor to see which performs best. Then, you focus your ad spend on the best-performing ad.

7. Flexible marketing

One of the most interesting points on how Google Ads works is that the platform offers flexible marketing.

How so? Check this out:

With Google Ads, you can create a marketing campaign around your budget. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got millions of dollars ready to spend or just capped at a few hundred dollars; you can make it work for you.

You can target long-tail keywords that are less competitive and even position you for “more aware” customers. You also get to set stops like monthly ad spends, maximum bid, daily budget, daily limits, and more to guide your ad campaign.

Google Ads also allows you to start or stop a running campaign on the go. You get to dedicate your resources where you want them to go. You can use CPC bidding if you’re going to drive traffic to your site, use CPM bidding to get more impressions and create brand awareness, or use CPA bidding for ads targeted at action takers.

Final Verdict

There are still more reasons to mention why you should use Google Ads, but these should suffice. Beyond just getting on the Google Ads platform and running just an ad campaign, you should focus more on optimizing your ads for the best result.

Quite frankly, the best results often require the insights of an expert. And even more, it would save you time and money, which you’d have to spend on trials and errors.

At Klutch Growth, we can help your business get the best marketing experience using Google Ads. Visit our page now to book a session and get started.

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