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Google Ads landing page. Best Practices.

Webmaster | Updated: March 24, 2023 | General

Before we go on to sharing a couple of landing page best practices for running Google Ads, it would be fair to know what landing pages are and what benefits your business would enjoy from using them.

You have shared an amazing marketing call-to-action but how do you actually ensure that people are enthralled by it and want to know more? In order to generate massive conversion rates and ensure the most probable minimum of cost-per-acquisition, what you need is a magnetic landing page.

What is a landing page? And what does it do for Google Ads?

A landing page is the page that visitors land on, once they have clicked your ad from Google SERP. It acts as a follow up on the call-to-action and ensures the visitors do not just stay as that, they have now become leads for your business.

Knowing the importance of the landing pages for your business, it would only be wise of a business owner to make sure these landing pages are properly set up. Hence, the importance of following the best practices for landing pages we would be sharing in this blog post.

Best practices for Google Ads landing pages

We have highlighted the following to enable you meet your growth targets and convert lots of visitors into recurrent leads:

1. Enlighten the customers about the benefits

A customer searching about a product would like to know the features by the side but that is not necessarily the main reason why that customer is on your landing page. The customer would like to know the comfort he/she would derive from patronizing you. What are the boons you are offering? How do you intend to give him/her the best user experience? How would your product updates or features enrich the customer’s life?

Alongside, you can add verifiable social proof. Even after highlighting the benefits you are offering, you can go further to convince the customer by sharing reviews and testimonials of past users. You can further personalize these by sharing names, faces showing satisfaction from your previous clients.

2. Match your messages with the ads

When a visitor clicks on your ad from Google search pages and arrives at your landing page but sees a different image and message from what you shared in the ad. The next likely step that the user would take would be to abandon your site. They likely won’t bother with looking further for more details.

To ensure your landing page is worth a visitor’s time, make sure it is consistent. Don’t insert a different message in your ad and then completely switch it up when they finally arrive on your landing page. Be consistent and you could also insert some of the words used in your ad, similar color schemes, same logos, etc.

3. Continuously test and update your Ad landing page

You have to repeatedly test your landing pages and make sure the action required is the actual one being carried out. Test your Call-to-action to verify that it fully generates positive responses from visitors and convert them to leads. A/B testing is one method that you could make use of in testing your landing page. It helps you identify the best performing version of your landing page.

Use the A/B testing to test two landing pages against each other, keep refining until you arrive at the best result. You have to keep analyzing the data you have generated to know the best approach to use on your landing page.

4. Make use of visuals that buttress your message

Don’t just add visuals in every image because you feel they would drive attention to your site. The questions you should be asking are: “Would a prospective customer be able to learn anything about my product through this visual?”, “Would this visual make the customer feel like trusting my business?”, “Does this visual speak to the customer?”, “Would this visual convert a visitor into a lead for my business?”

It is quite necessary to make use of visuals that would further fortify your content. There are several types of visuals that you could use to pass along your message but you have to make sure you are choosing the best types that would suit your content, turning leads into conversions. You could try out the different types before deciding on the best type to use and what more, you could choose more than one, if they are worthy and adding value to your content.

5. Segment your landing pages

Do you run the same ads for different sets of your customers? Do you offer the same offers, for different customer personas? The answer to the above two questions is No, right? This also means you shouldn’t use the same landing page for distinct audience sets.

Avoid creating one landing page to suit the needs of all your audience. There are varieties of visitors on your site and their reactions to your content would definitely differ from each other. It is vital that you create one landing page to suit the needs of each specific audience.

This also works along with you making sure that each landing page impels the customer to carry out one action only. Don’t divide their attention by using a landing page to prompt them into performing more than one action. This could lead to them not completing the actual action they came to their landing page for. Make sure you are not being too generic and give them the best user experience.

6. Ensure your landing page doesn’t take forever to load

One of the most essential landing pages best practices is making sure your landing page is speedy. What are the chances that your customer gets to see the benefits of your products, your valuable visuals, your great copy if the site is being too slow? Yes, you guessed right. It is of no usage if the site takes forever to load.

No customer would want to remain on the site if it takes more than five seconds to load. Even if you are offering the best value out there that the customer could get at an affordable cost, such customer would not be willing to keep waiting on your site to load and would rather visit other competitor sites. Don’t fall in the habit of adding irrelevant elements to your landing page, as they could weigh your site down.

How to create a landing page for Google Ads

You would be paying a lot of money for your google ads but that payment is not the issue. How exactly do you ensure that the payment actually turns into conversion for you? Google ads landing pages serve as a high chance of creating conversions, therefore they must be relevant and compelling enough to convince visitors.

How do you then go about creating a landing page for Google Ads that generates conversions? You don’t need to look far, we have highlighted some measures to ensure conversions below:

Tip #1 – Plan your online marketing campaign

Don’t just jump in the fray without having a plan set up to facilitate conversions. Having a clear direction and a goal in mind for what you want your landing page to achieve would help facilitate conversions. You have to ensure your marketing campaign matches your goals.

What are the benefits they stand to gain from using your product? Identify your target market and focus your attention on them. This would also guide you in knowing the right use of words and Ads to propel their conversion. What dynamic keyword would you use to allow for a higher quality score? What would be your KPI for measuring your results?

You have to ensure you are quite sure of all the items detailed above to allow for an effective marketing campaign. This would help you along the line to create an optimized google ads landing page.

Tip #2 – Make sure your landing pages are lean and specific

Avoid being generic in your landing pages. You are creating the landing page for a specific Google ad, make sure it is gyrating towards that purpose. A customer should click on the landing page and be immediately captured by the purpose of his/her visit.

Don’t redirect your leads to other pages or other products, in order to not lose their attention or interest in your page. Keep the landing page simple and ensure there are no distractions dispelling their attention. You don’t need to add too many details because you think they may drive better results. They would likely do the opposite instead and bore the customer out.

Tip #3 – Be clear about your Call-to-action

Use a call-to-action that would enthrall the visitor and convert them into leads for your product/ service. Your call-to-action button should communicate in a few words what you are offering the user, which would in turn, motivate them to become leads to your business. You don’t need to be too verbose when calling your customers to perform a particular action.

Tip #4 – Be transparent about the value you are offering them

An effective google ads landing page would clearly communicate to the user the benefits to be derived from using the product. This doesn’t imply stating the product’s features alone but the user has to be informed on what value you are offering them if they patronize you.

While giving a brief summary of what the product or service entails, ensure you are not being too tedious in the so-called summary. What matters to the customer is that he/she gets to see how one could benefit from using your service/product and that should be the main focus of your communication.

Google Ads Landing Page Requirements

It is highly efficient to follow the google ads landing page requirements so as to ensure that people do not just visit your site and leave without being converted. The following requirements need to be followed to the letter in order to ensure your landing page is not disapproved or render your Google ads incompetent.

Ensure that the landing page that you are submitting contains all the key details about your product, contained in the product data. These elements include title, description, image, price, currency, availability and a button instigating a buy action. You must also ensure that the product in your product data is the single most prominent one.

Don’t make the mistake of using category pages or search pages, it could cause your landing page getting flagged and your Google ads not showing up as expected. Avoid using layouts for your landing pages that would not clearly show the key elements and also show the product prices in a vivid manner.

Use a landing page and avoid linking the ad to an image, an audio file, an email, a video, document or PDF. Make sure your landing page is live and that it isn’t still being constructed or displaying the common errors like the 404 error.

Make sure your landing page is mobile responsive and it works properly for all mobile devices it could be viewed on. Set the back option to redirect visitors to the previous page they clicked your Google ad. You should also make certain that you are not redirecting people to another website outside your domain. This could be a huge turn-off and cause visitors not being turned into leads for your product/ service.

Ensuring that you are providing a consistent and enjoyable user experience is a quite necessary google ad landing page requirement. You have to ensure that the features and the content on your landing page remains the same, no matter the visitor’s present location. This however only applies to visitors coming to your site from shopping ads and not from other traffic sources.

Make certain that you are using the same language as your product data. It would be advisable to use the same language as your country and display the product on your website in a language that matches what was submitted in your product data. You have to show the price in the same currency as that of the product data, and even though you want to support a specific currency on your landing page, you could use currency conversion to allow Google to do an automatic conversion.

Unless regional availability and pricing has been made available in your country, your price has to be the exact same all over the country’s regions, while also ensuring that you are complying with local regulations for all pricing and other information you have submitted and are currently displaying.

Your product availability has to match your product data, your product shouldn’t be showing as available on the product data’s availability attribute and then displaying as out of stock on your landing page. In the same vein, your product condition has to match your product data.

Wrap up

We hope you have been able to learn from the above tips shared for creating working landing pages for Google Ad campaigns. Before you go, let’s tell you about us.

At Klutch Growth, we specialize in helping businesses convert site visitors into leads. Contact us today at 514-944-9961 or info@klutchgrowth.com to spiral a journey of immense growth for your business.

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