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How to Build a Successful Electrical Contractor Website

Oluwadunmola Adefioye | Updated: August 1, 2023 | Home services websites

electrical contractor website

Thriving in the electrical industry in this digital age requires a well-rounded website for electricians that serves your customers and helps grow your electrical business. An important edge is the critical information on electrician website building and design.

A minimal working knowledge of electrical website builds can help you optimize your website to improve brand image, content marketing, lead acquisition, and retention. So today, I will share helpful tips on website building and optimization to enhance your customer base.

How to build the best electrical contractor website

Optimizing your electrician contractor website from the back and front ends to beat the competitive standard for customer satisfaction is the only step.

It comprises using the right platform for hosting, incorporating a responsive design, optimizing content for search engine crawlers, and integrating compelling features that help you stand out from competitors, better detailed in our guide on website building for contractors.

Your electrician website design should have aesthetics and functionality and ultimately be designed with your customers in mind.  To achieve an excellent website design for electricians, your website must be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and updated to the latest trends.

Going by these, here are some improvements you can make to your electric company website’s design to make it more user-friendly. 

The hamburger menu (three horizontal lines stacked on each other) offers a simple and discreet way to hide menu items and features until your site visitor needs them, reducing clutter on your webpage. They are handy for your electrician website visitors from mobile phones, where every inch of screen space is essential to the user experience.

Clear image for electrical contracting websites

Quality images enhance your electrician website design by adding visual appeal that engages visitors. When selecting images for your website pages, ensure they are relevant to the page content.

An additional way to use pictures for an attractive design is by showing specific details that average site visitors might need help grasping from just text descriptions. For example, quality images can help explain some home electrical functions.

Also, you can use a playful background image to make your website more interactive. This also works with video. But for the best user experience, use an image slider with high-quality images. Using a custom image of your past electrical projects can also help boost your brand’s trustworthiness.

For example, an electrician website can use a lightning bolt image on a black background as the page header background. Then, you can use the primary color from your brand color to match the other page sections.

Card designs are trendy and functional to help classify content into bits for easy access. It’s easy to have an overwhelming content log, primarily if you aim to optimize your electrical contractor website for search engines. With card designs, you can categorize your content based on the type (videos, blogs, webinars, etc.) and subject. 

Feature videos help create compelling electric company web designs because they add a dynamic and engaging element to your website. Videos can convey complex information about your electrical company’s products and services.

As videos are the most engaging content, they are crucial in increasing website traffic and engagement by providing easily shareable content likely to be viewed across platforms. An actionable tip is to link your website video content to your YouTube page to better your chances of ranking on Google. 

A mobile-friendly website means the user experience is optimized for smaller screens, with more straightforward navigation. A mobile responsive design ensures your CTAs, font size, font types, and images appear correctly to the user regardless of screen size and orientation.

Mobile websites for electricians

In addition to the fact that most of your website visitors will visit from their mobile, and you want to take advantage of this pool of potential clients, you should also know that Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results, making mobile-friendly layout important.

White space in website design for electricians is crucial because it helps to break up different sections of a page and make the content more digestible to the viewer. It also improves readability and reduces cognitive overload, subtly pointing your site visitors to where your action buttons are placed.

While white space is essential for a clean design, you should know that an overwhelming amount can backfire. I recommend using it around the edges of your webpage, between paragraphs, and around essential pieces of information.

On a related topic, using a white color scheme for your electrician website also helps deliver a compelling visual design. Several electrician website templates interchange their page background between a white background and a slider of attractive images. When neutral colors are used for the background, it allows other bright color choices to pop and catch page viewers’ attention.

Technical SEO (search engine optimization) describes a process that adequately prepares your electrician website for search engine crawlers. Technical SEO covers the optimization of your website and its server.

It ensures that your page speed and mobile responsiveness (two crucial website ranking factors for search engines) are optimized, increasing your chances of lead generation.

In addition, a well-optimized electrical contracting website makes electrician advertising easy because ads appear on SERPs depending on the landing page’s relevance to the search term. Considering its importance, it is an aspect of building a competitive website you want in the hands of professionals.

A content audit is a systematic review of all the content on a website. Content audits help identify your performing and non-performing content and provide insights to plug information gaps.

Furthermore, content audits are necessary to check and update the relevance of your content, whether performing or not. Keywords, word counts, tone, backlinks, and even reader comments are parts of your content that need regular checks to know if they align with the current standards.

As a systematic review, content audits take time. Having a timetable for audits can be helpful. Your older, ranking contents need more frequent audits (quarterly). In contrast, audits of newer content can be done in six or twelve months because more unknown contents need more time to rank organically for a detailed performance review.

On-page SEO is another critical aspect of website optimization as it helps search engines understand the content and structure of your webpage. On-page SEO involves optimizing your electrical contractor website pages to rank higher and earn more traffic from search engines. Additionally, on-page SEO helps improve the content’s relevance by placing keywords correctly, such as the title, meta description, and headers.

Other factors to consider with your electrical contractor website’s on-page SEO include image optimization and internal linking. On-page SEO is one of the surer ways to improve your website rankings, bring potential customers to your website, and grow your electrical contracting business.

Of course, a fundamental part of on-page SEO is your blog posts. You need to populate your electrician website blog with articles to stand a chance of ranking on search engines. And while the ranking is essential, you should also note that it’s only clutter-free content with a captivating headline that would get read.

Therefore, you need to combine viable information from experienced electricians to write great blogs that rank and convert leads.

Website loading speed is another important ranking factor for websites for electricians because of its effect on user experience. Website loading speed is another important ranking factor for websites because of its effect on user experience.

Bidnamic noted that the chances of converting a site visitor reduce by 17% for every extra second it takes a website page to load. So, here are some proven ways to improve the webpage loading speed of your electrical contractor company.

Your web host is the first determinant of your electrical contractor website’s loading speed. Poor web hosting service leads to poor loading speed. Although the premium services might be costlier, you get impressive page-loading speeds in exchange. 

An excellent way to optimize visual content is to reduce its size without compromising quality. This ensures that your website loads faster while keeping its graphic content.

CDN stands for content delivery network. The idea is to reduce the distance (distance can affect page loading speed) between your website users and your primary server.  CDNs ensure your electrical company website’s visual contents load faster by hosting them near your site visitors.

Browser caching stores users’ data from previous site visits, ensuring their next visit takes less time to load.

Electrical website design doesn’t end with arranging the layout of your website. That is the backbone for an awesome web design, but you must strategically place your page content where it would be most effective. 


The best-converting electrician company websites use compelling designs. And they do this by building a free-flow text on a simple design. For example, instead of placing customer reviews at the bottom of your page, you can intertwine what previous clients say about your services within your service offerings.


Always remember that your website content structure has to be neat and contextual. While we encourage using a custom design to help your brand stand out, we also emphasize the place of having a coherent page that eventually leads the reader to use your services.


Quickly, let’s elaborate on some sleek ways to pull off a compelling website content structure:

Social proof for electrician websites

Showing proof of your quality services is vital to get potential clients to trust your business. But packing your featured projects on just one page isn’t the best way to do this.

A better way is to spread your social proof across a wide range of content and pages on your website. This is because, with more pages, you can capture more eyeballs and show all of your readers how you helped your satisfied clients solve their home electrical needs.

The size and location of your electrical services contact details affect how well you will maximize your client base. Excellent customer service starts from placing your contact form, which website visitors can fill in in less than a minute.

You must also vividly display your business hours alongside your contact info to help capture leads who want to call you directly. Such customer electrical website design changes can get you more happy customers.


Keeping up with the latest design for additional features will require adding plugins to your electrical service website (depending on your CMS) or building it manually, primarily if you use a custom website design.

There is no time frame for technical SEO audits on your electrical website. However, you can only afford to leave it briefly if your website is large, ranking high on SERP, or competitors are up to date with the latest SEO gimmick.

As an electrical business owner, the primary elements you need to pick from the electrician website design services include your brand’s primary color, logo, business proposition (what makes you different from competitors), and testimonials from satisfied customers.

These are all we need at our electrician web design company. And those help us to build a website that presents the company services of licensed electricians in the best way possible.


Your website, as a skilled electrician, helps potential clients form their first impressions about the quality of your service. So, your website should be optimized to retain visitors, turning them into leads and customers. Therefore, the way to go is the straightforward approach of building a high-quality website that encapsulates a clean design, rapid page loading times, and well-curated content to put your website in a competitive position for high-intent searchers. 

Building and optimizing an electrical contractor website can be challenging, considering you also have a business to run. You may need to consult electrician website design services specializing in technical SEO, like we do here at Klutch Growth. Click here to book a call with our team today.

Oluwadunmola Adefioye
Content Manager at Klutch Growth

I enjoy writing engaging and practical articles that help local businesses grow. That’s why I take my time to understand the industry - customers and businesses - before writing a word.

Aside from content marketing, I enjoy watching football and love my beloved Arsenal FC.

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